The Clean Water, Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act
What is the Environmental Bond Act?
Proposal 1: The Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act of 2022. Proposal 1 would issue $4.20 billion in general obligation bonds for projects classified as climate change mitigation, flood-risk reduction, water infrastructure, and land conservation and recreation. The ballot measure would require that bond issue revenue be distributed as follows:[1]
up to $1.50 billion for air and water pollution reduction projects; wetland protections to address sea-level rise, storm surge, and flooding; relocating or retrofitting facilities; green building projects; solar arrays, heat pumps, and wind turbines in public low-income housing areas; zero-emission school buses; street trees and urban forest programs; green roofs and reflective roofs; and carbon sequestration on natural and working lands.
at least $1.10 billion for flood-risk reduction, coastal and shoreline restoration, relocating and repairing flood-prone infrastructure and roadways, and ecological restoration projects.
up to $650.00 million for land conservation and recreation plans, programs, and projects, as well as fish hatcheries; and
at least $650.00 million for projects related to wastewater, sewage, and septic infrastructure; lead service line replacement; riparian buffers; stormwater runoff reduction; agricultural nutrient runoff reduction; and addressing harmful algal blooms.
The ballot measure would require that at least 35% of bond revenue benefit disadvantaged communities.
The Environmental Bond Act will establish strong standards for prevailing wage rates on construction projects and allowing municipalities to require contractors to adopt labor peace agreements and buy American structural iron and steel.
Vote Yes on Prop 1
The Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act of 2022, which has been endorsed by the NYS AFL-CIO, is covered by project labor agreements and prevailing wage structures.
The NYC CLC encourages a YES vote on Proposal 1.
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